the live fast die young quarterly review

the life and times of a hard drinking, smoking and hard rocking creative miscreant in this post modern town of Frisco (that's right bitch, I said frisco and I'm bringing back the adolp mustache too)

Sunday, November 27, 2005

ahh my exes should be in texas....

You know, I'll never forget it was a couple of years ago when someone told me, when I was just finished dating this unstable person at the time. "Dude, do you ever think you are always dating someone who needs saving?" and I tell you, that comment really affected me.
During my year long stint in self imposed "god I must be thirty time to go to" therapy, I asked myself and my doctor the same question. The answer wasn't pretty. those types of answers never are. So i worked on that, and worked, and worked, and really, probably still work on it. It's noble in one way, probably related to my own troubled upbringing, the child of severely divorced combative parents. Anyway, the point being, I know that that stuff has affected my relationships in the past. So this one relationship, was all on again, off again for like five years. You know the type, crazy in head, artist, on again off again bi-sexual, who like cheated on me with pretty much most of the people in our social circle. Anyway, the point of all this, is how, even after 5 years, I go to dinner with her, after hearing how her boyfriend split up with her, she got laid off, her favorite pet cat died, her cousin died, and so I decide to take her to dinner and catch up. I find out she's dating another friend of mine then, though I hear they are no longer seeing one another. Now this guy is a great guy, and I'm REALLY happy I don't have a sister, cause he like, dates crazy artist chicks who trash his apartment, and had a website saying like "I hate" from these girls he was two timing on, and he's like, dated or fucked pretty much everyone in this past set of friends. so, I accidentally say at this quote, "So wow, you're dating Mr. XYZ too" Well, cause he had just been dating my other friend, as evidence from her serious depression over this fact for like 6 months. (btw I love how friendster is the greatest online relationship detective device to see if someone you know is still dating, cause of that "single" in a relationship, etc.) You see, this dude was dating both of them. Except the ex thought that the old one was over. Well I stepped right into it.
The funny part of all of this, as I've moved on to a new set of friends and such, I just happen to check out this site, where I recognize this mutual friend, who in turn, linked to her, who in turn, describes the night as horrible and me specifically vile. Whew. Funny stuff to read like, 6 months later, especially after seeing them both last week at a mutual friends brunch.
Man. you'd think I would learn.
really, what I feel sorry for is the inability of that person to see how such things are really trivial in life. How really, it's nice to be affected by people, even if things don't work out. To really try and lead the zarathustrian concept of the ubermensch. You'll never get there, but trying is what makes it happen. Living it, not hating it, that's life. and if, for just a moment, that evening she didn't think about all those horrible things happening in her life, well then, it was .... ah fuck that shit. posting crap like that online still ain't cool.
Welcome to the next level of passive aggressive land, blogs, friendster, etc. Shit we can just hide out behind our keyboards and screens, and not have to interact with people in person. No accidental miscommunications; no poor body language to deal with; no heated over and undertones. Well sorry kids, that ain't life. At least not on the planet and in the community I want to live. Remember, it's all about keeping rolling that stone up the hill. and calling bullshit on hipocrites.


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