the live fast die young quarterly review

the life and times of a hard drinking, smoking and hard rocking creative miscreant in this post modern town of Frisco (that's right bitch, I said frisco and I'm bringing back the adolp mustache too)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Friday night is alright for fighting....cosmonauts and horses

well this is lofty and ambitious, but I'd thought I'd
see if there was any interest in this program. The
always dressed to impress Msr. Ray Ray Ninjarican, his
sidekick Lisa the smiley one, and JJ, the Playa Weebil
Wobble Hoover, are coming into town from Vegas and La
La, and so hell, I'd thought to do something
completely different, and throw the party out of the
city and show them lovely San Mateo and Mountain View.

Now, I'm not talking some 510 bs pill popping candy
ass map point glowstick wearing rave bs, that get's
popped by the fuzz just as you've popped yourself,
popped a cap in someone, or pooped your pants and now
you got to swim back across the bay bridge hoping
something's happening someplace some time before the
bars close. No sirree. this is an idea I've been
milking to some success, and have wanted to do this
for a bit.
As some of you know, this is the last year of Bay
Meadows, as the high profits of condo's, fresh choice
salad bars, borders books and starbuck half calf
mochachinos, outplay soul, fun, history, culture, and
good old gambling even here in our little own bay area
oasis of culcha

So, with it closing, and it being friday, and
supposedly nice, I thought, entertainment, dinner and
drinks, at the above location, for, 4 Dollars! Dollar
admission, Dollar Hot Dog, Dollar Beers, Dollar for
the Trifecta Bet! Starts at 6:30. Entertainment by
Neil Diamond's orphaned bastages - Super Diamond.

Funny thing, is then after a bit, we could grab the
train and keep heading south. For a little Red Menace
space time flux capacitor flexing near the west's
largest pre-WWII Blimp Hangar, to celebrate a global
space party, happening all over the world,
commemorating Yuri's Night, at NASA's AMES Research

So, It's an ambitious idea.
Let me know if you'd be interested and I'll try to
organize something a little more formal. But you
should at least try to come to the track. Pass this
along to whomever you want.

Be well and hope to see you Friday.
p.s. no star wars costumes. towels encouraged.


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